A Collaborative Program of
the Ohio History Connection and the State Library of Ohio
Happy Independence Day!
The Munn sisters of Portage, Ohio, in a decorated horse-drawn surrey for their local 4th of July parade. Courtesy of the Wood County District Public Library on Ohio Memory.
We want to wish a happy Fourth of July (and long weekend!) to our readers!
Regardless of whether you’re attending your local parade, fireworks, cookouts or even the Ohio History Center’s Glorious Fourth in Ohio Village, have a safe and pleasant holiday. As you relax, please enjoy the photos below, and more patriotic pictures on Ohio Memory!
Fourth of July festivities in Hamilton, Ohio, 1968, including a marching band, flag corps and baton twirler. Via Ohio Memory.Unsuccessful flag raising on July 4, 1918, Pemberville, Ohio. Courtesy of the Pemberville Public Library via Ohio Memory.“Repairing the American Flag for the Fourth of July,” from the Cooke family journal documenting their summers on Lake Erie’s Gibraltar Island. Courtesy of the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center via Ohio Memory.148th Infantry Regiment embarkation at Guadalcanal, on July 4, 1943. The 148th helped the allied effort in the Pacific Theater, including at the Battle of Bougainville, under the 37th Infantry Division. Via Ohio Memory.July 4th telegram from C. Walder Parke to his family in Cleveland, with instructions to “remember the date of this cable”–the next day, he was officially promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the 94th Bombardment Group. Via Ohio Memory.
Thanks to Lily Birkhimer, Digital Projects Coordinator at the Ohio History Connection, for this week’s post!
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