Reprise: Books of Interest and Consolation to Spinsters

As we near the end of Women’s History Month, we’d like to share a classic Ohio Memory Blog post from 2014, highlighting a wonderful pamphlet from the State Library of Ohio: Books of Interest and Consolation to Spinsters. Enjoy!
In 1904, Miss L.E. Stearns “ compiled a small pamphlet, Books of Interest and Consolation to Spinsters. In it, she listed dozens of titles of…well, interest and consolation to spinsters, apparently, dedicating it to Miss Myrtle Stearns, “Spinster Pro Tem.” Later, this pamphlet was presented to Alice Boardman, a long-time employee of the State Library of Ohio who, according to the inscription, held the title “Spinster Exemplaire.”

This small pamphlet is a hoot. It is meant to be. In a time when women were still labeled “old maids” if not married by the time they turned thirty, these women were thumbing their noses at tradition. They laughed in the faces of those who might have felt pity with statements like “I’d rather not be married and sorry I wasn’t, than be married and be sorry I was.” It’s a sentiment that most of us today can understand but, frankly, was a brave stance to take at the turn of the 20th century. Yet take the stance they did, and they did it with humor.

- Maids, Wives and Bachelors by Amelia E. Barr
- Love Affairs of an Old Maid by Lilian Bell
- Wits and Beaux of Society by Grace and Philip Bell
- Unhappy Loves of Men of Genius by Thomas Hitchcock
And my two favorites:
- Domestic Blunders of Women by A Mere Man
- Concerning Cats by Helen Winslow
We hope you’ll enjoy browsing this pamphlet and will laugh along with its compiler. We also hope that, while you’re observing Women’s History Month this month, you’ll pause to remember women like Myrtle Stearns, Alice Boardman, Lutie Eugenia Stearns, and all of the women throughout history who bucked tradition and loved it.
Thank you to Shannon Kupfer-Trausch, Digital Initiatives Librarian at the State Library of Ohio, for this week’s post!
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